What does 'Natural Leadership' mean?
Perhaps the most fundamental aspiration of all people is to discover a sense of peace in our life. Or stillness. Or belonging. An ease with the present moment. This is where we are at home with our self and is the space from which inspiration emerges. Wealth, possessions or power cannot, in isolation, provide it. Ask yourself: what is the fundamental cause of social conflict in the world?
Nature, therefore, is not a place. A space to visit; it is us and we are it. So her conservation is not merely the preservation of outer landscapes, it is the preservation of sacred inner landscapes too. Those that define us as human beings.
This is why the conservation of wild things, and the balance it brings, is perhaps mankind's most urgent priority.
Nature, therefore, is not a place. A space to visit; it is us and we are it. So her conservation is not merely the preservation of outer landscapes, it is the preservation of sacred inner landscapes too. Those that define us as human beings.
This is why the conservation of wild things, and the balance it brings, is perhaps mankind's most urgent priority.
Its about a deeper consciousnessAnd a realisation that our own sense of well-being depends entirely on our repaired relationships with our natural world. An awareness of our impact on the natural world is essential in all ways; everything we do must have the environment in mind.
And then to tiptoe through this great awakening with grace and dignity, knowing that it could vanish in an instant. Like a shadow at sunset. Like a whisper in the wind. Go to it, it is home. |
Re-writing the story of our relationship with natureThis is the modern paradigm of our world and how do we discover creativity, innovation and resolve? The principles of nature and ecology, the the standard operating system of everything, are still fundamentally relevant in this process. And once we truly discover that we are indeed part of nature and dependant on her laws can this ecological humility emerge. This valuable indigenous wisdom can help discover inspiration, innovation and resilience to navigate with empathy and regeneration.
Ecological humilityHuman beings are not immune to the fundamental laws of ecology, which are the standard operating principle of the earth. everything. And we are in an age of consequence. This is the great circular purpose in life … to be more alert to to what we consume versus what we return to the system that sustains our existence.
What is unseen or silentThe harmony of extremes, the relationship between what is visible and what is not. To accept the bite of life without the need to bite back. Rather to react with temperance, humility and love. To pause, to be alert to the silence and darkness before the need for noise or light. Great answers lie in these secret places. To dance with these extremes but with the rhythm of our own heart, to a tune that may be silent, unseen or hidden from view.
How do we go about this?Through impactful encounters of personal transition and ecological connection. WILDERNESS LEADERSHIP TRAILS and IMPACT CONVERSATIONS
"Home happens when we realise we belong to the land, and the land does not belong to us".
Wildlife Photography ©Jens Cullmann: instagram or www.jenscullmann.de
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