21 events, 21 days, 16 venues Challenging, probing and celebrating the meaning of nature in our lives and how re-connecting to our own wild natures can inspire, create and innovate
Time to sit, slow and listen. A highway of interconnection emerges from this space. Plug into Alan’s story, a story that emerged from the wilds of Africa, from the most unexpected places…but exists in us all. Inspiring conversations from the heart, unravelling why nature is so important for us. |
Did you know that 95% of all biomass in the world consists of human beings and our livestock? That the most abundant bird in the world is a chicken? These revelations emerge from meaningful and challenging conversations that platform our ecological impact and humility on the blue planet.
Bringing wilderness to the campfire of your mind
Alan plugs-in to wild values of re-connection, empathy, humility, resilience and a deep sense of wonder. This through the ancient art of storytelling inspired by traditional San Bushmen communities; the first people.
The intention?
We believe that the most fundamental aspiration that unites us is to discover a sense of belonging, or stillness, in life. With the pace, pressure and challenges of modern society this is becoming more essential than ever. How to sink down with the present moment and make an appointment with life. How to slow down.
The urgency of more conscious and ecological awareness can no longer be ignored. Nature allows a redemptive space to process this and inspire playing it forward. It is in these moments that you can make an appointment with life.
The urgency of more conscious and ecological awareness can no longer be ignored. Nature allows a redemptive space to process this and inspire playing it forward. It is in these moments that you can make an appointment with life.
The tour in pictures:
If you are interested in hosting or arranging an event, or discovering more,
please feel free to make contact with us.
Wildlife Photography ©Jens Cullmann: instagram or www.jenscullmann.de
Design by OLD BULL
Design by OLD BULL